The Life of David James

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Up Late

Yeah so i don't sleep much anymore. I know the reason but i'm gonna keep it to myself. It's come to my attention that some of my friends have been saying untrue things about me behind my back. i just want everyone to know that they only things that are true about me are what come out of my mouth. If you've heard something or you want to know something about me, I'm the best source of information, no one else. You know I love everyone and it hurts me that some of the people that are supposed to have my back are the ones stabbing it but I'm not going to stoop to their level to repay them. I'm just gonna keep on trucking and believe that people will hear past the rumors and slander. Catcha later Bill and Ted.

Quote of the Day:

"...everything you hate, I love, just because its a part of you"


Thursday, July 05, 2007

Live from NCSA

For those of you who don't know, I'm at NCSA Film Summer Session right now. Basically its like a summer camp mixed with college. We spend 5 weeks here working on a 5 minute movie. We can basically choose whatever we want to do a film about (mines about the existence of God and a catholic priest) and we get to write it, shoot it, and direct it, using all the facilities NCSA has to offer. It's been 2 crazy weeks so far and i know its only gonna get crazier. I miss my friends but of course i've had an amazing time making some new friends (and gettting engaged to them lol Clara). The summer session isn't just for film, its for drama, music, voice, and dance. Its hard being the cool guitar player here when you have guys who cam here specifically for guitar. My TA is awesome, he's a rising 3rd year cinematography student and has been helping out everyone here. Tomorrow my momma is coming to visit me which should be fun i'll get to introduce her to all my new friends. I need to go though it's 1:30 am and i'm sleepy as crap. Goodnight Bill and Ted

Quote of the Day:
"Clara what are you doing on the floor"
-Clara's brother after tickling her


Saturday, August 05, 2006

My Two Scripts (sounds like the name of a sitcom episode)

Yeah so I've been workin on two scripts recently and I haven't really told anyone about them so i thought what better way to spread the word then my blog, which no one reads lol. Anyway so the names of my two scripts are "In Love With a Popstar" (working title) and "Highschool of the Dead". You may be asking, "David, why are you so bipolar?" The answer? I have no idea, these are just my two ideas for movies that i think could actually work. The first one is "In Love With A Popstar". It's a working title cause frankly, the title now sounds gay, i just tried to get the idea of the movie across in the title. Basically its based of the experience i had when I went to Atlantis and Jojo, the upandcoming popstar, was there and preformed one of her songs and such. I had never seen or heard of her before but i thought she was the cutest girl I had ever seen ever. She left the third day i was there and the rest of the week i wondered "What would have happened if we had met and fell in love?". Basically the movie is about me (its really a character but the character is the full embodiement of me lol) on a vacation with my family and a popstar happens to be at the hotel i'm staying at. The whole week i'm there i try to track her down and have day dreams of us together. In the end we never meet and I (the character) am sad until i get on the airplane and lo and behold who ends up next to me? The other script is "Highschool of the Dead". If you know me, you should know I am a horror movie maestro, my favorite genre of horror being the zombie movie. I think the biggest draw to zombie movies is the thought of "What would I do if the world was being taken over by zombies?". Where would teenagers go? Where is safe? Where is familiar? The mall? Heck no, the School! So yeah those are two of my ideas. I don't know why i shared them with you, i just wanted to post a new blog entry but i had no idea what to write about so i wrote about this. Catcha Later Bill And Ted

Quote of the Day
"I wake up in the morning and piss excelence"
-Ricky Bobby

Friday, July 28, 2006


It's storming outside yep.......just sitting here alone talking to Courtney. It's really hot upstairs, the air conditioning is having trouble keeping the temp down. My nose is kind of sniffly. I thought it was from allergies but I might have a cold I don't know. There's no real point to this post, I'm just kind of bored and alone and its storming so I'm just saying everything that's coming to mind. The lake was fun. I got to hear the amazing life of Choi-ly Brown lol. Choi is like me back in middle school: he's the nice guy so he facilitates the relationship with whoever he likes. He becomes good friends with them and tries to help them with another guy when he wishes he was with her. I don't know if I'm still like that, its been half a year since I've been single so it will be interesting going into this year and dealing with girls. Hopefully I won't catch new girl-fever too bad. For those of you that don't know, I've been going to the same school since kindergarten so whenever there's a new girl I go crazy for them. It's been happening since seventh grade. I've actually been fairly fortunate, I've dated the new girl twice since seventh grade. It's one of those things that skips a year and since freshman year I dated Bree (if history repeats itself) I ought to end up with the new girl this year lol. I honestly don't even get how I've had girlfriends when some of my cooler-than-me friends haven't. It just doesn't make sense. I'm the kind of guy that ought to be begging for a girlfriend lol. Anyway, like I said there was no real point to this entry I just kind of jumped around in my thoughts but I need to go to bed I'm going to Court's house tomorrow morning.

Catcha Later Bill and Ted

Quote of the Day
-Nate Sauber

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wyoming and other stuff

Alright so I lied and totally didn't update this while I was at the beach. But its cool cause I don't know if anyone reads this anyway. So I just wanted to talk about Wyoming and some other stuff. Wyoming...... I thought I would get off the plane and go "Yay Wyoming.......why am I here?" which I did as a joke but I soon regretted it. Me and my family went to Wyoming on one of these Disney tours they're doing now. They go to Hawaii and England and cool places and so of course my mom picked the most random one, Wyoming. The first night we got there we stayed in Jackson Hole which is like Touristville USA. It looked like something you would see in Disney World, all the stores looked like they were built from Lincoln logs. Anyway, so we get there and my first impression was bad cause I looked around in the kids in the group and they were all little but low and behold 4 girls popped their head around the corner and I felt a sigh of relief. I was still the oldest out of all the kids but it was still nice havin someone I could hang with (I was totally crushin on one of the girls, but that's another So the first couple days are awkward with the kids but we finally get to be friends and become inseparable. And I also discover that some of the younger kids are pretty freakin awesome. You couldn't have picked better kids to throw together for a week. Freakin Disney magic I guess lol. The sights we're cool and everything but I was more taken aback about the amazing people in the group. The kids were sweet, the adults we awesome. Everyone just got along so well, I was in heaven (anyone who knows me knows that next to God, friends are the most important to me). Ok so here's a list of the cool kids:

Jakob- he was a tough kid, totally dug his PSP and had the coolest voice ever

Aislyn- funny little girl, got REALLY hyper when she had icecream, I got the sneaking suspicion that she had a crush on me,

Tim- smartest kid ever, he liked cheese A LOT and told everyone about it, also into the handheld games, taught me and beat me in hearts

Jonathan- Tim's little brother, played pokemon all the time, looooved to fish and caught 12

Thomas- Bush's answer to the energy crisis, he had like adhhhhhhhhhhhhhhd, hired and fired people in the "No girls club" me and he made, beat me in checkers without me letting him win

Kelsey-laughed at anything anyone said ever, also made me laugh every time she laughed, she was the only one who saw me trip and never told anyone lol

Regan- she was totally a superhero in disguise, she had a interesting voice I told her she should do VO work, played cards with me all the time

Hannah- 1/2 of the Devilish duo that was her and Carley, beat me up every chance she got, had an awesome grandma face, cheated terribly in uno, cried the hardest when we all left

Carley- the other half of the Devilish Duo, left a fingernail scar on my hand, cheated very well in uno, said I was full of myself lol

Chris- reminded me of a chipmunk when he got hyper, got in trouble with his mom for drinking an O'douls (it was really funny), the girls always picked on him for acting like me but hey, if he's gonna copy someone, who better than me lololol,

Kaitlin- sucked at everything but foosball and shuffleboard hahaha, she was sad for some of the time so I tried my best to cheer her up, also cheated terribly in uno, was my buddy in everything that we did that week

Kristin- the oldest of the kids next to me, said I wasn't funny at all, thought Andy was the funniest kid ever (which explains why she thought I wasn't funny lol), blinked nonstop, along with Hannah and Carley put makeup on my brother, was the only girl who actually played uno fair

I would list the adults too but it would take way too long. They were the coolest adults I've ever met ever. They treated all the kids like they were equals and actually listened to what we said (as a kid, there's nothing cooler than when we get an adult who listens to what we say and pays attention to what we have to says and shows a general interest in what we are saying). They kept saying all this stuff about how I was being cool cause I was being nice to all the younger children when I was like "I'm being nice you ya'lls kids cause your kids are freakin awesome lol don't give me the credit, you're the ones who raised your kids and made them so cool to hang out with." Not to mention we had the coolest guides ever, Chris and Christy. Chris was, no joke, like a kid in an adult suit. He was a former park ranger and new everything and always was there to give you a bad joke or give you a laser so you could see how hot the inside of your iris was lol. And Christy was da bomb as well. She worked for the guest services at Disneyland and she got to give the tours to all the really big celebrities. She said Faith Hill was really nice and she got really psyched over Orlando Bloom. I can honestly say I enjoyed the people more than the place in this instant. I think I would have paid that amount of money or more to meet those people anywhere, down the street would be worth it even. I know I have a tendency to take friendships with people more seriously than they really are but all those people meant a lot to me and I was heartbroken to leave. I'm not gonna lie, I did get a tad choked up but if I did get three wishes from a genie, one of them would be that I could relive that week with those people, even if its only one more time.

So we came home from Wyoming and immediately I was bored to tears. I had come from a situation where everything was planned out for me so the minute I had freedom I was bored. I hung out with Casey a couple times and Lauren too but I felt extremely bored. I went to see Clerks 2 opening day with Casey and I can honestly say its the funniest movie I have seen in 2 years (the last one being Shaun of the Dead). I literally spit out my Coke Icee all over the seats in front of me more than one time. Anyone who has seen the original clerks. I totally recommend it beyond any movie you can see this year. If you haven't seen clerks., you'll probably still think its funny but you might not care about the characters as much or understand the background behind everything. So I saw that and lady in the water (eh...) and basically wasted the few days I had away. On Monday I went with Evan Vetter, Anna Vetter's brother, and worked on a documentary he is working on about two missionaries that sold all there stuff and are moving to the Congo. It was cool to hear their stories and sad to hear their parents talk about them leaving.

Tuesday I had guitar lesson as per usual and after had discipleship group. Discipleship group is a group of guys from my grade who get together once a week and have food and fellowship. This week it was at AJ Patefield's house. I hadn't seen that kid in forever and it was cool getting to see him again. We had burgers and discussed the fact that D. Sircar didn't know what "69" meant lol (what a great discipleship group, I know). We also talked about the plans to come up to my condo on lake Norman. Just kind of a retreat for one night we're doing tomorrow. I'm at the lake at this moment and all the dudes are coming tomorrow. We're gonna swim, fish, and hopefully go tubing on Josh's boat. I hope we all get closer from this, that's my prayer, cause I want us to become like spiritual leaders at the school. Alright honestly I could type a little more but my fingers are getting sore and I bet your eyes are tired from reading (whoever is reading lol). I'll update soon hopefully. Catcha later Bill and Ted.

Quote of the Day:

Saturday, June 24, 2006


So I'm goin to the beach today and i haven't started packing lol. We're going down to our beach house to spend sometime with the Johnsons (my mom's friend from highschool and her children and husband). It the last year for the Myrtle Beach pavilion (stupid retards who own it are tearing it down to build-what else-condos) so we're gonna make sure we enjoy it one last time. That makes me really sad cause i've had so many fun times there ;(. I want to take a bunch of pictures so my kids can see it one day. That really makes you think. Our parents are always showing us old pictures of places and visiting their old homes. We don't really care but to them it was a place that they had a lot of good times. It makes you want to appreciate whatever old stuff they want to show you cause one day you'll want to show your kids places that mean a lot to you. Ok i gotta go pack i just thought i drop a blog before i head out. I'll update while I'm at the beach.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


I wanna start up a online T-shirt selling business with my dad. Just funny T-shirts and random stuff. I think it would be fun and my dad is good at making websites. Just got to come up with a bunch of ideas